Scot Rittenbaum
I try to embrace my feelings whether happy, sad, joyous, thankful, questioning or whatever else it may be and express them freely (a challenge I love) as I employ color, line, shape, and texture to create mainly abstract works. While I manage some degree of control, I try to let the magic happen through the healing journey of letting go and seeing what happens. Playing a part in revealing something in an uncertain way is exhilarating and fulfilling. While being a full-time artist is a recent development for me, I have been drawing and painting for nearly 50 years, primarily self-taught – sometimes steadily, sometimes not for a year or more. Many times, I yearned to be a professional artist; however, I made other decisions for which I do not have regrets as I have truly worked with and built relationships with some of the best people I could ever dream of knowing.
While I hope others will find meaning, comfort, beauty, joy or whatever touches them in my art, I want you to know that my love, heart, and soul are in each artwork influenced by journey, family, friends and increasingly the Lowcountry of South Carolina."

Repose 3

Repose 4

Repose 5

Repose 6

Country Home

House In Yellows
